Catching Up

Hey Friends!

I have to admit, this season of life was a bit more challenging than we imagined. Since my last post (circa 2020), it feels like an entire decade has passed. I took a burnout assessment a few months back as a check-up and discovered our feeling a bit worn out from all the major life transitions we experienced.

Since 2020 we:

-       We made a human! It is crazy to think he is 2.5 years old now

-       Moved from San Dimas to Glendora

-       I had knee surgery from a car accident injury

-       Kristen ended her job and started a small counseling practice

-       Kristen finished her Masters

-       We learned that Toddler Z has a few extra things going on that require extra care and attention

-       I started a new job in San Diego

-       We moved to San Diego

-       Kristen started a new job and moved her practice

-       I restarted my Doctor of Ministry and have just a few classes left (more on that soon!!)

And that brings us to June 2022!

When I started this blog in 2018, I had a vision of having a whole resource library on calling discernment and spiritual formation and transitioned it to leadership and life. As I pick the blog back up, I pray you join me in the conversation and in prayer for this new season.

My current role is leading the Rock School of Ministry in San Diego, CA. We provide affordable, high-quality, and practical ministry certificates and coaching opportunities for lay leaders and pastors looking to grow in their relationship with God and others. I am humbled to be in this role but thankful for the opportunity to use my gifts to make a difference.  

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