Why I started a blog on spiritual formation, calling discernment, and vocational wellness.


I've wanted to be some sort of blogger for a while. As you already know, I love reading and writing but most of all, I love sharing ideas. Being involved in small groups at church, teaching as an adjunct professor at local (to SoCal) Christian Colleges and Universities ignited my passion, and now I have the joy of sharing here--in the comfort of your smartphone. 

If you are here it's likely you are also on a journey toward finding a sense of peace and clarity in your life with Jesus. I hope this blog is a space where we can be, share, and endure life's challenges. 

Here is my blog. You'll find the spiritual practices that shape me, hear from my friends and mentors, and I'll keep an updated list of favorite resources for growth. 

I've found that human flourishing is hard. I'm only beginning to see the mystery about the way things grow. Seeds start their growth journey in the dark, damp soil and can only sense the warmth from above as they push toward the heavens. There is a great curiosity in how a child grows in the darkness of a womb before emerging into the world. And perhaps the greatest mystery of all: the resurrection of Jesus. That glorious new birth happened behind the sealed, closed door of a dark, earthen cave with not a single witness. The way of the seed, of life, and of the life-yet-to-come include a journey where we push and lean in toward the warmth of the sun we cannot yet see [1].

I'm excited about vocation, calling, discernment, and gaining clarity. I don't think I define 'calling' as many talk about it, this sort of awakening or a super-spiritual moment when we both see and hear the voice of God speak through a burning bush. When I think of calling, our calling, our most faithful understanding of vocation, is when we recognize we are the seed in the soil. Our calling is the answer to a simple-yet-so-complex question. We find our calling when we commit to grow and seek to answer: "What is the one problem, the one question I was born to understand?"